Why should I go to the dentist regularly?
Regular dental cleanings and checkups are important to keep teeth, gums and bones healthy. Tartar (hard deposits on the teeth) builds up below the gum line daily and needs to be professionally removed with a cleaning at least every six months to prevent gingivitis and eventual periodontitis. Also, checkups can help detect cavities early and prevent the need for extensive treatment.
Why should I floss? Isn’t brushing enough?
Flossing, when done correctly, removes plaque that accumulates below the gum line where toothbrush bristles can’t reach. Flossing also stimulates the gum tissue to maintain firm, healthy gums, similar to how exercise maintains healthy muscles.
How can I prevent cavities?
The two biggest causes of cavities we see are: sipping acidic drinks between meals and not brushing with fluoride toothpaste before bedtime. Sugary sodas, diet sodas and even fruit juices consumed between meals coats the teeth for hours with acids that break down tooth structure. If you go to sleep without brushing, the remnants of foodstuffs and plaque sit on your teeth all night and start to rot them away due to the lack of saliva produced while asleep. If you brush with fluoride toothpaste before bed, your teeth stay clean all night and are strengthened by the fluoride.
Why does the dentist take X-rays?
X-rays are needed periodically to show places inside, between and around teeth that are not visible to the naked eye. They are useful to detect multiple pathologies and abnormalities like cavities, abscesses, bone loss, impacted teeth and much more.
What can I do about sensitive teeth?
There are multiple causes of sensitive teeth. Excessive plaque on the roots of teeth can cause sensitivity, often solved by a simple cleaning. Cavities can also cause sensitivity, and those can be taken care of with fillings. Malocclusion, or an uneven bite, can cause sensitivity and can be treated with an occlusal adjustment. Sensitivity is the body’s way of letting a person know that some form of treatment or professional care is needed.
What is periodontal disease?
Periodontal disease covers a wide range of problems, from gingivitis (minor inflammation of the gum tissue) to severe periodontitis (severe inflammation of gum tissue and drastic bone loss). The term basically refers to the pathology of the tissue that surrounds the teeth. Treatment ranges from a simple cleaning to deep cleaning and the extraction of the involved teeth.
I have dentures. Is it still necessary for me to see my dentist?
Yes, there are a wide range of diseases that can be detected early with regular checkups. Also, the tissue under dentures is constantly shrinking. Relining the dentures every three years helps keep the tissue healthy and helps the dentures fit well.
How do I schedule an appointment?
Please call our office, and our receptionists will help you schedule your first appointment based on your most urgent dental needs.
How long does it take to get an appointment?
Whether your schedule is flexible or your need is immediate, we can often schedule you for an appointment within the same day you call.
Do office visit charges apply each time I have an appointment with a dentist or specialist?
No. We provide free second opinions if you would like a different perspective or are unsure of an initial diagnosis. Once a patient of record, you will only be charged for the services performed.
What can I expect at my first visit?
Kindness. We try to take care of our patients as we would our own family.